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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Tonight I wanna cry

I'm sitting here listening to songs and I found one that fits my mood perfectly .... It's by Keith Urban...song name Tonight I Wanna Cry.

Anyways... I'm getting alot of advice from people saying to move on and such and to date all kinds of women before I settle down. I'm not bragging but I don't usually have a problem finding a girlfriend...I was just raised to be a one woman kind of guy. My father was and still is a great example of how a man should be. I just have a hard time opening my relationship troubles to my parents...Cause what if I tell them things about her that make them not like her anymore and then we decide to get back together? My parents will have annymosity towards her. I do not want this. As for dating several women...that's not me. I just want that one girl who loves me for who I am and wants to be my best friend. It's not the quantity of women I am looking for. It's the quality of A woman that I'm wanting in my life. I want a love that when their long hard day is over...they can bring it home to me. That they know they have someone that loves them more than life...someone who wants to make it all right. Willing arms that want to hold them tight. Right here. Has anyone here watched the movie Fireproof where the guy is challenged by the love dare?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok dude... First off... "dating all kinds of women" doesn't mean all at the same time... Just because you are dating or seeing doesn't mean you're exclusive. Secondly if your parents don't like her, not a good idea to keep chasing. Family knows best, well in my case anyways. Listen to them, they'll be around for life, gf/wives are dime a dozen. Secondly aren't we all, well most of us are anyways, looking for a lover and a friend and all that you've listed. You seriously need to take time to yourself. I cannot stress this. Tell your chicka that you want some time for yourself and her contacting you is a distraction. Trust me I know. Find yourself, when you are happy with yourself you can find happiness somewhere else....