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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving morning

Well ... I didn't sleep very good at all last night. I wonder....Is she loosing sleep over this as well? Is it tearing her up inside like it is me? See it's not that we have only dated for 2.5 years and that I'm 30 she is 35. But we met 10 years ago working together when I was 19-21 years of age and she was the most beautiful girl I had ever met in my life at that time. I had such a huge crush on her and to have stayed her friend through the years and finally when I asked her out 2.5 years ago on a date she said yes. Now our friendship was distant but we maintained contact. I could always feel she cared about me and that I cared about her to that point. I never wanted to infringe on any relationship she had and tell her how I felt. So when we had reconnected I told her that I would like the chance to date her and see where it took us. So maybe that's why this is so hard for me. I know people say I need to ditch her and move on...but should we as humans always take off when things get hard or should we display unconditional love even at a time where there seems to be no hope?!


Anonymous said...

If you have to work at it, it's probably best to just let it go, I say this only because the majority of people who attempt to "make it work" find that in hind sight they should have ended it when things turned sour. It creates less "baggage".. dont allow negative relationships to dominate your life, otherwise you lose sight of the bigger picture. And the bigger picture is your happiness

Anonymous said...

Dude, all I can say is -- move on. Period.

Anonymous said...

I understand exactly what you are going through as it has happened to me recently. We, as humans, do keep hoping but it is not realistic. I had a relationship with a woman that ended last year September. I never messaged her, contact her or do anything to show my "desperation" to get her back. She would text me, stop by once or twice every few weeks and that went on until March of this year. In March, I told her that she was not being fair to me by contacting me or seeing me. I gave her the ultimatium and she wanted time to decide. I have not heard from her since that day in March to this day. I was under a false hope that she would come back based on her messaging me and seeing me but in reality she has no intention of coming back. When I gave her the ultimatum that day, a cloud lifted from me as she knew I loved her but I could not "wait" for her. Your woman is doing the exact same thing as my woman did. Take it from me, move on now rather than wait 7 months of pain and hope. Good luck and God Bless.

Anonymous said...

Listen, lad, she's not worth it. I've been down this road many times and just finally learned to let go. It is often better to let go, especially when you feel as though you are losing. I understand the whole thought process of making it work. I just went through it with my last ex, only to discover that the fruits of my labor was all in vain. yes it does hurt to move on, but right now the best course you can take is that of self discovery. Find out who you are, what you want. Don't associate names with those qualities that you want, it doesn't help.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, you have to try and make this work. She is just going thru tough times,we all go thru tough times. I hope it works out for you and her. Keep us updated