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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Says she loves me!

So just because someone says that they love you does it really mean that they love you? Sometimes I feel as if her actions aren't showing love...but the more I talk to people the more I hear about people saying they have married to others that are the same way...just don't share their feelings all that much and don't offer displays of affection. Has anyone else experienced this? Is it hard or something you just get used to....can it still mean they love you just don't know how to show it?


Anonymous said...

When someone says they love you, it does NOT mean they are in love with you. I love pizza, I love my hairguy (he's been doing my hair for 24 years). But am I in love with you because I say I love you? Not necessarily. When we are in love or think we are, we have blinders on and we cannot see past what we want to see. Relationships are give and take, but both parties have to be willing to do both. It is alot of hard work to be in a relationship and one person cannot be doing all the work. The best determination of future behaviour is past behavior.

Anonymous said...

Listen to Nikki. If affection is what you desire in a relationship, and it is an important part of one, then you need to hold out for it. This girl is never going to all of a sudden start showing you affection. You will never get used to her coldness. It will just make you more bitter. Don't become bitter, become better! Tell this girl you need to move on for your own sanity, and tell her not to contact you ever again and to have a nice life. It will be hard at first, but it will get easier and it is what you deserve.

Anonymous said...

You need to update. What happens next?